Events and education
Here you will find information about the different events and educational activities hosted by CGC. A link to both upcoming and previous events are located on the left side of the page.
Master classes
Master classes are continuously held at The Department of Anthropology where selected works on crime and criminalisation will be discussed. The master classes are open for all interested students and researchers. Please contact David Sausdal, if you are interested in participating in the CGC master classes.
Ongoing events
The CRIMTANG project
The Criminal Entanglements (CRIMTANG) research project will be hosting annual research retreats for the CRIMTANG affiliated researchers and selected guests. The research retreats will take place off campus between 2018 and 2022 and will be advertised in due time.
Inter-disciplinary international project workshops in relation the Criminal Entanglements (CRIMTANG) research project will be organized in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. These will be organized in collaboration with select members of The Advisory Board and their respective institutions and will be advertised in due time.
In 2022, the CRIMTANG project will be hosting a final international conference entitled "Criminal Entanglements - new ethnographic approaches to transnational organized crime" in Copenhagen. This conference will disseminate findings from the CRIMTANG project, solidify international collaboration with colleagues across the globe, and it will develop the findings of the CRIMTANG project through deliberation and interaction with leading scholars.