11 June 2024

CGC researcher, Anja Simonsen, launches her new book in Hargaisa, Somaliland

Anja Simonsen

Recently, CGC researcher, Anja Simonsen launched her new book: Tahriib - Journeys into the Unknown: An Ethnography of Uncertainty in Migration at the Rako research seminar series in collaboration with the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) in Hargaisa, Somaliland. 

In the book, Simonsen explores Somali youths’ tahriib; their ‘journey into the unknown’. The book describes their perceptions of the journey, their practices and how they positioned themselves in a constantly changing world before and during the so-called migration crisis that began in 2015. The book focuses on the constant search for information on possible routes ahead, influenced by specific policy responses. It demonstrates that tahriib is ultimately about spending one’s time wisely as well as creating and maintaining hope in what may seem hopeless situations.

The book is available in hard copy, soft copy, and ebook here.
