Anja Simonsen has co-edited a podcast series on ethnic minorities' encounters with the Danish health care system

CGC researcher and member of The UCPH Migration Research Platform's steering group, Anja Simonsen, has along with Anna Elisabeth Stub Thygesen, Marcus Pedersen and Tanja Kathleen Benzon Monk co-edited the podcast series (U)lige adgang for alle – Etniske minoriteters møder med den danske velfærdsstat (translated from Danish: "(In)equal access to all – Ethnic minorities’ encounters with the Danish welfare state"), in cooperation with Antropologforeningen.
The podcast series is based on a seminar organized by Simonsen and sheds light on ethnic minorities’ encounters with the Danish health care system which are often characterized by an unequal access to welfare benefits.
Listen to the second episode via Podbean, where Marie Louise Nørredam, Chalotte Stecher and Caroline Alsted Flinck each give their take on what challenges people with a minority background experience in their interaction with in the Danish healthcare system, as well as what healthcare services are currently available.
The podcast is in Danish.