Scientific publications
Articles and chapters
Haugegaard, Rikke. 2024. ‘The Power of Water: How Naval Special Warfare Operators Cultivate the Danger Zone’. Conflict and Society 10(1): 65-81.
Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida, Trine Mygind Korsby, and Anja Simonsen. 2023. ‘Introduction: Transnational Street Business: Migrants in the Informal Urban Economy’. Migration and Society 6 (1): 1–15.
Mizrahi-Werner, Jonatan, Martine Bech Diederichsen, Benjamin Schou Ilsøe, Jakob Demant, and Atte Oksanen. 2022. ‘Pathways to School Shooting Subculture: Re-Thinking Theory Across Strain, Imitation, and Digital Mediation’. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, May.
Korsby, Trine Mygind. 2023. "Complex Intimacies: Sex Work, Human Trafficking and Romance between Italy and the Black Sea Coast of Romania". In A Sea of Transcience. Poetics, Politics and Aesthetics along the Black Sea Coast. Khalvasji, T. & Frederiksen, M. D. (eds.) Berghahn. p. 66-80.
Bah, Abu, & Emmanuel, Nikolas (2022, September 15). “Migration cooperation between Africa and Europe: Understanding the role of international incentives”. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies.
Jerne , C. (2022). "Activating limit as method. An affective experiment in ethnographic criminology." In B. Timm Knudsen, M. Krogh, & C. Stage (Eds.), Methodologies of Affective Experimentation. (pp. 287-306). Palgrave Macmillan.
L’Hoiry, Xavier, Alessandro Moretti, and Georgios A. Antonopoulos. 2022. "Policing Sex Trafficking in the ‘Virtual Red-Light District’: A Research Note". In Social Sciences 11, no. 8: 319.
Vigh, Henrik and Line Richter. 2022. "Tangier heat: On migrant vulnerability and social thermology". In Ethnography. doi: 10.1177/14661381211069669
Vigh, Henrik. 2022. 'Security and the Anthropology of Potentiality'. In Translations of Security: A framework or the study of unwanted futures. Berling, T. V., Gad, U. P., Petersen, K. L. & Wæver, O. (eds.). New York: Routledge, p. 95-103.
Vigh, Henrik and H. J. Orning. 2021. 'Constant Crisis'. In Medieval and Modern Civil Wars: A Comparative Perspective. Sigurðsson, J. V. & Orning, H. J. (eds.). Leiden: Brill, p. 1-33.
Vigh, Henrik and J. V. Sigurdsson. 2021 'Who is the Enemy? Multipolar Micropolitics'. In Medieval and Modern Civil Wars: A Comparative Perspective. Sigurđsson, J. V. & Orning, H. J. (eds.). Boston:Brill,p. 34-61.
Vigh, Henrik and David Sausdal. 2021. 'Global Crime Ethnographies: Three Suggestions for a Criminology that Truly Travels'. In The Oxford Handbook of Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice. Bucerius, S., Haggerty, K. D. & Berardi, L. (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 171-194.
Sen, Atreyee. 2021. ‘Pawan: Prison Master’. In Bombay Brokers, edited by Lisa Björkman. Duke University Press. ISBN: 978-1-4780-1149-1.
Vigh, Henrik and Petya Mitkova Koleva. May 2021. 'Critical Stasis and Disruptive Performances: ICJ and the Anwar R Trial in Koblenz.' In Theoretical Criminology.
Vigh, Henrik. 2021. "Bandits’ fall from grace: Liberation heroes and alter-politics in Bissau". Terrain 74.
L’Hoiry, Xavier, Alessandro Moretti, and Georgios A. Antonopoulos. 2021. ‘Identifying Sex Trafficking in Adult Services Websites: An Exploratory Study with a British Police Force’. Trends in Organized Crime, May.
Sausdal, David. 2021. "A fighting fetish: On transnational police and their warlike representation of self". Theoretical Criminology.
Sen, Atreyee and Rubina Jasani. 2021. 'Urban Hopes, Sexual Horrors: Communal Riots and the Narratives of Violent and Victimized Women in India'. The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies 39:1 p. 28-47. DOI:
Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida. 2020. ‘When Patchworks Dissolve: Perspectives on Destitute Roma Families’ Economic Livelihoods’. FEANTSA - Homeless in Europe, no. Winter 2020: available at: Homeless in Europe Winter 2020
2020. 'Prahlad and Shanta: the city’s madness'. Contemporary South Asia 28:4, p. 498-510. DOI: 10.1080/09584935.2020.1842857
Richter, Line. 2020. ‘Paths to Paris. Hodological Space and Invisibility among Malian Migrants without Papers’. In Invisibility in African Displacements: From Marginalization to Strategies of Avoidance, by Jesper Bjarnesen and Simon Turner. London: Zed Books. Link:
Sen, Atreyee. 2020. 'Pandemic Rape: The Corona Crisis, Informal Gendered Support and Vulnerable Migrant Women in India'. In: L'Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft 30(2): 135-140.
Sen, Atreyee. 2020. ‘Borrowing from the Poor: Informal Labour, Shifting Debt Relations and the Demonetisation Crisis in Urban India’. In Who’s Cashing in? Contemporary Perspectives on New Monies and Global Cashlessness, edited by Atreyee Sen, Johan Lindquist, and Marie Kolling. Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis, Volume 19. New York: Berghahn Books.
Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida. 2020. ‘Exclusively Simple: The Impact of Cashless Initiatives on Homeless Roma in Denmark’. In Who’s Cashing in? Contemporary Perspectives on New Monies and Global Cashlessness, edited by Atreyee Sen, Johan Lindquist, and Marie Kolling. Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis, Volume 19. New York: Berghahn Books.
Jerne, Christina and Dalla Chiase, N. 2020. Leopolodo Franchetti. Sociologia della Sicilia, Etnografia del potere. In: Etica Pubblica. Studi su legalitá e partecipazione. Rubbettino.
Jerne, Christina. 2020. Anti-mafia enterprise: Italian strategies to counter violent economies. In: The Diverse Economies Handbook, Dombroski, K., Gibson, K. (Eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Sausdal, David. 2020. ‘Police Bullshit’: Journal of Extreme Anthropology 4 (1): 94–115.
Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida. 2020. “Exclusive Simplicity: The Impact of Cashless Initiatives on Homeless Roma in Denmark” in Sen, Atreyee, Johan Lindquist and Marie Kolling Who’s cashing in?: Contemporary Perspectives on New Monies and Global Cashlessness. Berghahn Books. (Published on 15 August 2020).
Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida and Simona Barbu. 2020 The Health Situation of Unregistered and Homeless Migrants: a Qualitative Study [orig. title in Danish: Sundhed blandt uregistrerede og hjemløse migranter: et kvalitativt studie]. Rådet for Socialt Udsatte (30. June 2020) available at:
Special Issue, Atreyee Sen, Raminder Kaur and Emilija Zabiliute (co-ed). 2020 ‘(En)countering sexual violence in the South Asian city’, Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography
Sen, Atreyee. 2020 (with Aastha Tyagi), ‘Love-Jihad (Muslim sexual seduction) and Ched-chad (sexual harassment): Hindu nationalist discourses and the ideal/deviant urban citizen in India’ in Atreyee Sen, Raminder Kaur and Emilija Zabiliute (eds), ‘(En)countering sexual violence in the South Asian city’, Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography
Sausdal, David. 2020. ‘Everyday Policing: Toward a Greater Analytical Appreciation of the Ordinary in Police Research’. Policing and Society, July, 1–14.
Bueger, Christian. 2020. ‘What Are the Peace and Security Challenges of the Maritime?’ In Routledge Handbook of Peace, Security, and Development, edited by Fen Osler Hampson, Alpaslan Özerdem, and Jonathan Kent. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge. Link:
Bueger, Christian, and Timothy Edmunds. 2020. ‘Blue Crime: Conceptualising Transnational Organised Crime at Sea’. Marine Policy 119 (September): 104067.
Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida. 2019 ”Patchwork household economies in Europe: Economic strategies among Romanian Roma bottle collectors in Copenhagen” in Constructing Roma Migrants: European Narratives and Local Governance, IMISCOE Research Series, Springer, eds. Tina Magazzini and Stefano Piemontese, Springer, (February 2019).
Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida. 2019 “Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Denmark: Assessing the progress in four key policy areas”. 2nd monitoring report prepared for the European Commission. May 2019. Available at:
Sen, Atreyee. 2019 ‘Live where the terrorists live’: Urban safety, diverse neighbourhoods and bomb blasts in Manchester and Mumbai. Anthropology Today, Vol. 35, 2019, p. 11-13
Sen, Atreyee. 2019 'Teach your girls to stab, not sing': Right-wing activism, public knife distribution and the politics of gendered self-defense in Mumbai,’ Special Issue: Gender and the Rise of the Global Right, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 44, No. 3
Sen, Atreyee. 2019 The ambiguous role of women in self-defense: A response. In Plain Sight: Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. ed. / Kirsten Campbell; Regina Muhlhauser; Gaby Zipfel. New Delhi: Zubaan Books, p. 348-354
Sen, Atreyee. 2019 ‘Stabbing, slicing, wounding’: Urban Hindu nationalism, public knife-distribution and the politics of sexual vulnerability in Mumbai, India. In Plain Sight: Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. ed. / Kirsten Campbell; Regina Muhlhauser; Gaby Zipfel. New Delhi: Zubaan Books, p. 333-340.
Sen, Atreyee. 2019 ‘‘Loose girls bring bad boys into safe neighborhoods’: Analysing urban security anxieties and the everyday logics of blurred moral policing in urban India’ in Tessa Diphoom and Erella Grassiani (eds), Blurred Securities, Routledge, London
Jerne, Christina. 2019. Books review: Tereza Kuldova. How Outlaws Win Friends and Influence People. In: Crime, Media, Culture 15(3): 551-554.
Bueger, Christian. August 2019. Maritime Security and the Capacity Building Challenge: Introducing the SafeSeas Best Practice Toolkit. Seychelles Research Journal. Volume 1, Number 2.
Bueger, Christian, Timothy Edmunds, and Robert McCabe. 2019. “Into the Sea: Capacity-Building Innovations and the Maritime Security Challenge.” Third World Quarterly, September, 1–19.
Bueger, Christian, Timothy Edmunds, and Barry J. Ryan. 2019. “Maritime Security: The Uncharted Politics of the Global Sea.” International Affairs 95 (5): 971–78.
Sausdal, David. 2019. "Terrorizing Police: Revisiting 'the Policing of Terrorism' from the Perspective of Danish Police Detectives." European Journal of Criminology, September, 147737081987444.
Nikolas Emmanuel, “Uses and Abuses of Migration Data on Africa”, as part of the conference on Africa’s Grand Challenges: The Role of Research and Education Systems, sponsored by SAIPIR and Cornell University’s Institute for African Development - August 5-7, 2019 (Livingstone, Zambia).
Demant, J., Bakken, S.A, Oksanen, A. & Gunlaugsson, H. (2019) Drug dealing on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram: A qualitative analysis of novel drug markets in the Nordic countries. Drugs and Alcohol Review.
Bakken, S.A. & Demant, J. (2019). Sellers' risk perceptions in public and private social media drug markets. International Journal of Drug Review. Early online.
Bakken, Silje Anderdal; Demant, Jakob Johan (2019). Narkotikamarkeder på nett: en begrepsutvikling av digital kapital. Norsk Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, 2019.
Abu Bakarr Bah and Nikolas Emmanuel, "Positive Peace and the Methodology of Costing Peacebuilding Needs: The Case of Burundi", Administrative Theory & Praxis, forthcoming 2019.
Nikolas Emmanuel, "External Incentives and Conflict De-Escalation: Negotiating a Settlement to Sudan's North-South Civil War", in Ole Wæver, Poul Poder and Isabel Bramsen (eds.), Resolving Violent Conflict: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Escalation and Protraction, London, UK: Routledge, forthcoming 2019.
Nikolas Emmanuel and Satoshi Sasaki, "Patterns of Economic Aid and Peace Processes in Africa", Soka University Peace Research Journal, 32/33, Spring 2019, pp. 145-160.
Nikolas Emmanuel and Brendan Schwartz, “Chad’s (Il)liberal Interventions and the Making of a Regional Hegemon”, in John Idriss Lahai, Karin von Strokirch, Haward Brasted and Helen Ware (eds.), Governance and Political Adaptation in Fragile States, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2019.
2018 Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida “Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Denmark: Focusing on structural and horizontal preconditions for successful implementation of the strategy”. 1st monitoring report prepared for the European Commission. April 2018. Available at:
2018 Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida Life Debt [org. title in Danish: “Livsgæld”] in Etnografisk Tidsskrift Jordens Folk, no. 1-2, May 2018.
Jerne, C. 2018. The Syntax of Social Movements: Jam, boxes and other anti-mafia assemblages. In: Social Movement Studies 17(3): 282-298.
Sen, Atreyee. 2018 ‘Mocking the state: Heroism, humanity and humiliation in the context of Naxal jailbreaks in India’ in Tomas Max Martin and Gilles Chantraine (eds), Prison Breaks: Towards a Sociology of Escapes, Palgrave Macmillan
Sen, Atreyee. 2018 ‘Security and purity: Inter-religious love affairs, vigilantism and women's moral policing in two radicalised Indian ghettoes’, Current Anthropology 59, no. 5 (October 2018): 549-571
Sen, Atreyee. 2018 ‘Slums and Shanty towns’ in the Wiley International Encyclopaedia of Anthropology, ed. Paul Sillitoe, University of Durham
Sen, Atreyee. 2018 ‘Torture and laughter: Naxal insurgency, custodial violence, and inmate resistance in a women's correctional facility in 1970s Calcutta’, special issue edited by Bart Klem and Bert Suykens, Modern Asian Studies Vol. 52, No. 3. pp 917-941
David Sausdal (2018) Everyday deficiencies of police surveillance: a quotidian approach to surveillance studies,Policing and Society, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2018.1557659.
Vigh, H. E. & D. Sausdal (2018). The Anthropology of Crime. In: Handbook of Political Anthropology. Camberley Surrey: Edward Elgar.
Demant, J. J., Munksgaard, R., Décary-Hétu, D. & J. Aldridge. 2018. Going local on a global platform: A critical analysis of the transformative potential of cryptomarkets for organized illicit drug crime. In: International Criminal Justice Review. pp. 1-20.
Korsby, T. M. 2018. The Brothel Phone Number: Infrastructures of Transnational Pimping in Eastern Romania. In: The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 36(2): 111-124.
Vigh, Henrik. 2018. "Lives opposed: perceptivity and tacticality in conflict and crime." Social Anthropology.
Vigh, H. E. 2018. Contorted Environments and Distorted Being. In: Rapport, N. (ed.): Distortion: Social Processes Beyond the Structured and Systemic. Oxford: Routledge.
Vigh, H. E. & S. B. Jensen. 2018. Introduction: Sporadically Radical. In: Vigh, H. E. & S. B. Jensen (eds.): Sporadically Radical: Ethnographies of organised violence and militant mobilization. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum.
Vigh, H. E. 2018. Social Closure and Militant Openings: Tangentiality, homology and the struggle for social being. In: Vigh, H. E. & S. B. Jensen (eds.): Sporadically Radical: Ethnographies of organised violence and militant mobilization. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum.
Vigh, H. E. & S. B. Jensen (eds.). 2018. Sporadically Radical: Ethnographies of organised violence and militant mobilization. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 2018.
2017 Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida “Doubling Syndemics: Ethnographic accounts of the health situation of homeless Romanian Roma in Copenhagen” in Health and Human Rights Journal, Harvard School of Public Health, vol. 19. No. 2, (2017).
Sen, Atreyee. 2017 ‘Surrendering the streets?: Communal conflict and child masculinities in an Indian slum’, Femininities and masculinities in Indian politics: Essays on Gender Archetypes, Leadership and Activism, edited by Manuella Ciotti, Zubaan Publications, New Delhi
Sen, Atreyee. 2017 ‘Sumitai, the vigilante’, Terrain: Journal of Ethnology, Social and Cultural Anthropology
Emmanuel, N. G. 2017. External Incentives and African Regional Security Cooperation: Lessons from the Lake Chad Basin. In: Walther, O. & W. Miles (eds.): African Border Disorders: Addressing Transnational Extremism in the Sahara-Sahel. London: Routledge. pp. 136-150.
Sausdal, D. 2017. Leanne Weber, Policing Non-Citizens. In: Punishment & Society 19(4): 507-511.
Sausdal, D. 2017. Pleasures of policing: An additional analysis of xenophobia. In: Theoretical criminology.
Demant, J. J., Munksgaard, R. & E. Houborg. 2017. Personal use, social supply or redistribution? Cryptomarket demand on Silk Road 2 and Agora. In: Trends in Organized Crime 21(1): 42-61.
Demant, J. J., Møller, K. & R. Munksgaard. 2017. Flow My FE the Vendor Said: Exploring Violent and Fraudulent Resource Exchanges on Cryptomarkets for Illicit Drugs. In: American Behavioral Scientist 61(11): 1427-1450.
Vigh, H. E. & M. Utas. 2017. Radicalized Youth: Oppositional Poses and Positions. In: Bøås, M. & K. C. Dunn (eds.): Africa’s Insurgents: Navigating an Evolving Landscape. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Vigh, H. E. 2017. Caring through crime: Ethical ambivalence and the cocaine trade in Bissau. In: Africa 87(3): 479-495.
Vigh, H. E. 2017. From Warlord to Drug Lord: the life of João Bernardo ‘Nino’ Vieira. In: Themnér, Anders (ed.): Warlord Democrats in Africa: Ex-Military Leaders and Electoral Politics. London: Zed Books.
Demant, J. J. & R. Munksgaard. 2016. Mixing politics and crime: The prevalence and decline of political discourse on the cryptomarket. In: International Journal of Drug Policy35: 77-83.
Jerne, C. 2016. Performativity and grassroots politics: on the practice of reshuffling mafia power. In: Journal of Cultural Economy 9(6): 541-554.
Sausdal, D. 2016. The Right to Crime: A Search for the Ideal Criminal. In: Border Criminologies. URL:
Vigh, H. E. 2016. Life’s Trampoline: On Nullification and Cocaine Migration in Bissau. In: Cole, J. & C. Groes (eds.): Affective Circuits: African Migrations to Europe and the Pursuit of social Regeneration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Jerne, C. 2015. From Marching for change to producing the change: reconstructions of the Italian anti-mafia movement. In: Interface 7(1): 185-213.
Vigh, H. E. 2015. Mobile Misfortune. In: Culture Unbound 7(2): 233-253.
Sausdal, D. 2014. Cultural Culprits: Police Apprehensions of Pickpockets in Copenhagen. In: Petterson, B. & P. Bevelander (eds.): Crisis and Migration: Implications of the Eurozone crisis for perceptions, politics, and policies of migration. Lund: Nordic Academic Press.
Vigh, H. E. 2014. La Marge au Centre: sur les réseaux, la cocaine et le crime transnational á Bissau. In: Socio 1(3): 289-313.
Korsby, T. M. 2013. Hemmeligheder, distance og kontrol af viden: menneskehandel i Italien og Rumænien. In: Olwig, K. F. & H. Mogensen (eds.): Familie og Slægtskab – Antropologiske Perspektiver. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur. pp.: 131-146.
Vigh, H. E. 2012. Critical States and Cocaine Connections. In: Utas, Mats (ed.): African Conflicts and Informal Power: Big Men and Networks. London: Zed Books. pp. 137-157.
Selaya, P., Andersen, T. B., Bentzen, J. & C. Dalgaard. 2011. Does the Internet Reduce Corruption? Evidence from U.S. States and Across Countries. In: The World Bank Economic Review 25(3): 387-417.
Vigh, H. E. 2009. Wayward Migration: On Imagined Futures and Technological Voids. In: Ethnos 74(1): 91-109.
Books and theses
Sen, Atreyee, Johan Lindquist, and Marie Kolling, eds. 2020. Who’s Cashing in? Contemporary Perspectives on New Monies and Global Cashlessness. Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis, Volume 19. New York: Berghahn Books.
2018 Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida Bottle Hunters: An Ethnography of Law and Life Among Homless Roma in Copenhagen. PhD Thesis defended and published 12 December 2018, UCPH.
Sausdal, D. 2018. The last policeman: On the globalisation of local policing. Doctoral thesis. Stockholm: Stockholm University.
Richter, L. 2018. Gaps in a bordered world. Malian men trying to make it to and in Europe. Doctoral thesis. Copenhagen: Department of Anthropology, The University of Copenhagen.
Carey, M. 2017. Mistrust: an ethnographic theory. Chicago: Hau Books.
Korsby, T. M. 2015. Hustlers of Desire. Transnational Pimping and Body Economies in Eastern Romania. Doctoral thesis. Copenhagen: Department of Anthropology, The University of Copenhagen.