Juleseminar med kriminolog Katja Franko
Den 5. december vil kriminolog og professor ved Oslos Universitet, Katja Franko, besøge Center for Global Kriminologi for at præsentere sin kommende bog The Crimmigrant Other. Seminaret ved finde sted på CSS, bygning 33, lokale 33.1.18 fra 10-12:00.
Læs gerne den kommende bogs abstract som bliver udgangpunktet for Franko's oplæg:
Western societies are immersed in debates about immigration and illegality. This talk presents the findings of a forthcoming book which examines how the figure of the "crimmigrant other" has emerged not only as a central object of media and political discourse, but also as a distinct penal subject connecting migration and the logic of criminalization and insecurity. Illegality defines not only a quality of certain acts, but becomes an existential condition, which shapes the daily lives of large groups within the society. Drawing on rich empirical material from national and international contexts, the book outlines the social production of the crimmigrant other as a multi-layered phenomenon that is deeply rooted in the intricate connections between law, scientific knowledge, bureaucratic practices, politics and popular discourse.