Criminal Entanglements (CRIMTANG)

Linked to terrorism, moral breakdown and societal decay, transnational organized crime (TOC) has come to embody current global anxieties as a figure of fear and cause of disquiet.

Photo: Christian Vium
Photo: Christian Vium

The Criminal Entanglements project (CRIMTANG) researches transnational crime and policing via an ethnographic and multi-sited research design. It follows human flows and formations of TOC and explores the illegal and overlapping flows of migrants and drugs from North-West Africa into Europe. The project looks at smuggling routes and trafficking trajectories stretching from West Africa, to North Africa and Europe. By conducting collective fieldwork at different points along this trafficking route, it grants us insight into specific nodes within the illegal and illicit trade in question, as well as it develops new theoretical and methodological apparatuses for apprehending TOC that can be exported and applied to other regions and contexts. 







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Henrik Vigh Professor +4541111430 E-mail
Jacob Fischer Møller Research Assistant +4535325436 E-mail

Funded by:

Logo: European Research Council

Criminal Entanglements (CRIMTANG)  is funded by the European Research Council as a Consolidator Grant of 1,999,909 €.

Project: Criminal Entanglements (CRIMTANG)
Period:  From 2018-02-01 until 2024


Name: Henrik Vigh


Telephone: +45 41111430